The Ultimate TRON Blockchain
Powered Online Shooter

ChickenWARS is an online multiplayer GameFi project built on the TRON blockchain. The game features characters inspired by various TRON projects and internet memes. Initially available for Windows, ChickenWARS is expanding its reach with upcoming releases for MacOS, iOS, and Android platforms, offering an engaging and cross-platform gaming experience.


Cross-Platform Availability:

Engaging Gameplay:

The side-scrolled 3D shooter made with the Unity engine and integrated with the TRON blockchain.


Global Servers:

Experience low-latency gaming with worldwide servers.

Unique Characters:

Justin Sun$TRX

Weekly Tournament Structure

Weekly PoolsFunded by player passes and sponsors, displayed in $CCC and USDT.

Entry RequirementsPurchase a weekly pass for $10 in $CCC.

Match FrequencyUp to two Ranked Deathmatch (VIP) games per day.

Leaderboards and RewardsSeparate leaderboards for Ranked and Free matches, with top players receiving rewards every Sunday.

Weekly Reward Pool

Blockchain Integration

Smart Contract (MainNet) Links:

Chicken Wars:TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain ExplorerHandles shop functionality that allows the purchasing of characters and links to leaderboard contracts.

Unranked Leaderboard Manager: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain ExplorerHandles Free Deathmatch leaderboard and sorts users based on their scores. Allows for registering game results at the end of the match.

Ranked Leaderboard Manager:TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain ExplorerHandles Ranked Deathmatch leaderboard as well as purchasing ranked weekly passes and tracking daily plays made by users. It holds information about each ranked week separately and their leaderboards. It is used to reward players at the end of the week.